Grab & Go Travel Packages

These travel packages are for travellers who just want to take a quick pre-planned trip where they can freestyle their daily activities.
5  Tours
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Discovery Islands Kayaking Tour
4.4 by 3 reviews
  • Quality4.67
  • Location4
  • Amenities4.67
  • Services4
  • Price4.67

Discovery Islands Kayaking Tour

Central Park West, USA
10 days50
Brooklyn Christmas Lights Tour
4.6 by 3 reviews
  • Quality4.67
  • Location5
  • Amenities4.33
  • Services5
  • Price4

Brooklyn Christmas Lights Tour

Central Park West NY, USA
10 days50
Greece, Italy, Switzerland and Paris
3.6 by 3 reviews
  • Quality3.33
  • Location4
  • Amenities3.67
  • Services3
  • Price4

Greece, Italy, Switzerland and Paris

Central Park West NY, USA
10 days50
Java & Bali One Life Adventures
4.2 by 3 reviews
  • Quality3.67
  • Location4.67
  • Amenities4.67
  • Services4.67
  • Price3.33

Java & Bali One Life Adventures

Central Park West NY, USA
10 days50
Slingshot Tour of Casco Veijo- Amador causeway
4.07 by 3 reviews
  • Quality4.33
  • Location4.33
  • Amenities3.67
  • Services4.33
  • Price3.67

Slingshot Tour of Casco Veijo- Amador causeway

Panama City, Panama
1 day50
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How to Book Our Grab & Go Packages

Step 1: Submit Booking Form on Our Website or Via Whatsapp 

Step 2: Review Quotation and make a selection 

Step 3: Submit passports and contact information

Step 4: An official travel proposal will be sent to your email

Step 5: Make your payment within 24 hours 

Step 6: Travel documents/confirmation sent 

Step 7: Our agent will complete a pre-departure call to prepare you for your trip.

Step 8: Have fun and don’t forget to share your photos/feedback with us ☺

Book  A Consultation

Cost: Starts at $50 USD 

Who and Why should you book a consultation?

  1. A consultation is recommended for destinations with visa requirements / long haul trips.
  2. A consultation is required if you need a full itinerary/recommended excursions to be pre-booked.
  3. A consultation is recommend; if you are a new traveller and is uncertain of your travel plans.
  4. A consultation is recommended; if you need a carefully curated travel package, customized to your taste.


*Our consultation session lasts for 20 minutes, where we ask discovery questions to determine which vacation style is ideal for you. 2 destinations can be explored during our consultation sessions; after a decision is made an official proposal will be sent with the details of your trip. After the trip is booked, we will provide a full itinerary with day to day recommendations of excursions and activities to do.