We accept direct deposit, online bank transfer, All major debit/credit card payments.

We DO NOT accept Zelle, Paypal, Cashapp, Gift Cards or any other forms of payment.

Payment plans are specific and will vary based on the offer/date of booking. Rest assured, our agents will inform you of the applicable payment terms before providing payment instructions. (If you do not agree with our terms, please do not proceed with the payment.)

Your airline ticket will be subject to the airline’s terms, which will always be non-refundable. (You are free to request a refundable ticket quote which will typically be 3-4 times the cost of the non-refundable ticket, hence it is not an option that is primarily offered. 

We offer travel insurance to protect your hotel & transportation reservation. 

Travel Insurance premiums are non-refundable; only the cost of the trip will be refunded if cancelled. 

We recommend making your payment within 24 hours of receiving a proposal. Flight and hotel prices are not fixed and are subject to change at any time before a deposit is received and applied.


USA, CANADA, UK, SCHENGEN , United Arab Emirates (Dubai), Turkey, Cuba (Tourist Card)

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